Is there Poor Taste in Your Water?
Many of the most popular branded bottled waters originate from municipal water sources – Dasani and Aquafina for example.
- Coffee
- Tea
- Juice
- Ice
- Cooking
- Rinsing Fruits & Vegetables
- Rehydrate
This high purity water is great for all the above and costs just pennies to operate per day.
Reverse Osmosis installation is between $895-$1295 w/standard faucet.
Installation as seen $195.00
Custom Faucet $219.00
Installing your own HIGH-EFFICIENCY Reverse Osmosis system eliminates a tremendous amount of plastic bottles ending up in our ecosystem. More than 1 million barrels of oil are consumed to make those same bottles each year. At this moment there are 2 bodies of plastic floating in our oceans that are the size of Texas that is the world’s trash.
Why not install your own bottling system and help reduce or eliminate this problem?
The facts are startling:
- The Natural Resources Defense Council has estimated that bottled water is between 240 and 10,000 times more expensive than tap water.
- There are health risks from ‘chemical leaching’ related to plastic bottles (such as Bisphenol-a (BPA).
- According to the Sierra Club, this year Americans will throw 30 million water bottles into landfills every day, while only 13 percent of water bottles get reused or recycled.
- The Pacific Institute calculates that it costs about 17 million barrels of oil to make the plastic bottles for water that Americans consumed in 2006 – roughly equivalent to fueling 100,000 cars for that year.
- It’s estimated that 2.5 million tons of carbon are generated in manufacturing plastic bottles
Reverse Osmosis installation @ $895-$1295
Call us today to test your water: (636) 899-1040 or email
Jones Air and Water Treatment specializes in air and water products and services that enhance easy living in your home.